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  • Writer's pictureAlana Felt

Imagine. Integrate. Implement: A Wholehuman Signature Process

Updated: May 13, 2021

Wholehuman coaching sessions are designed to support you to navigate through cycles of development to create powerful and lasting change. These cycles of development will support you to imagine and implement real time practices and experiments that, once integrated, will lead to developing new behaviors: new ways of thinking, feeling and acting.

We begin with Imagine. You’ll Imagine what is possible beyond your usual strategies when facing challenge and change. What can you vision for yourself, who inspires you? Where and what do you decide to pay attention to? You’ll define the challenge you are facing, discover how you are currently relating to your challenge and imagine a new way of relating to your challenge.

Once we have our vision for what is possible, we Implement. Implement is where we work together to lay out a strong, clear, personalized plan to support you to achieve new ways of thinking, feeling and acting to get you closer to your new way of relating with your challenge. Practicing in real time will help you translate your vision into action to create the changes you need to achieve new, different results. You’ll bring new experiences back into our coaching - something new happened, you experienced something different and you will learn from and reflect on that in our sessions.

And lastly, I’ll help you to Integrate the powerful changes you’ve made over our time together. Reflecting on your practice is a key way to drive your development: How are you relating in real time to your challenge? What are you discovering? We’ll interpret how your skill practice went, and reflect on it and capture anything new in your awareness or perceptions.

And then, because life is always presenting us the next opportunity to respond with skill, grace, heart and courage, we begin this cycle again.

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